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Old 09-12-2007, 16:51
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Kutyuleee Kutyuleee is offline
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Originally Posted by Swiss View Post
The harmfull spells coming from below. As I see if you had this army (300 archers
400 mages 100 thiefs) you had to had about 3000 people living in your country, I don't have to mention that such a great number of villigers are able to serve a country on 300 acres. I understand that this dwarf was just a test, but starting a new country won't be easy for anyone. I play with a dwarf in Quesoia, to tell the truth about 1000 rounds left since I registered. Back than - because it was an unknown terrain for me - I stayed low in the score - I had about 100 acres barren land - untill I was strong enough to move forward. When you have your 200 acres full after you came out of deffense you have to deal with the by you mentioned agressors. When you take your time on the lower sections and arrive with max scrolls army etc. on 200 acres these hyenes won't be able to cause you trouble. I think these agressive acts can happen any of the other versions of Quesoia even in the hungarian version. This is the way I see it....
I agree with you. But when i started queosia, i had to register a second country, cause sb slaughtered my country many times. second time i'm do the same as you.
A new player won't register a new country, or a new player haven't any experience that he can protect his country from these hyenas.
Az élet olyan mint 1 simson, ha nem megy be kell rúgni

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