Thread: Play in Hodito
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Old 01-29-2009, 16:22
Ati Ati is offline
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Originally Posted by Bob View Post
I do like the lack of 90 days limit. I think that rule sucks in Q because if you want to put a country on "hold" for a long time (over 90 days lets say) you are forced to either delete it or PAY for VIP. (except level 1) In my opinion, that rule is only good for trying to *force* me into paying for VIP .... and sometimes it has worked. LOL
I have to say that the 90-day limit is by far the BEST difference in the game, compared to Hódító. You are more likely to succeed in the game this way, and have more pleasant experiences.

As for having a break: you can restart your country once per leveling up, and this can be carried on to the next leve if you don't. So if you run out of time, simply restart the level, and the time will start from day 1. OR go to the top, and go on vacation there. When you come back, you can level up immediately, and your time starts then. OR you can complete the game in 45 days, and have 45 days of vacation per level. That's a month and a half. No need for VIP membership just because of the time-limit. The time-limit should not affect most people, the given time is more than enough to complete the level. Twice even.
Hódító * Queosia
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