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Old 02-04-2006, 13:06
Ati Ati is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike zoostorm
Ati: can`t you get this information from the IP adress? And you could make this whole thing just optional...the player could choose if he/she wants the rest to see his/her nationality?
If it is too mush extra work, then there is no point of course...
We could, but this would also be a false list with all these open-proxies around. I can make myself appear from a Russian ip, then from an Italian, the next minute from Switzerland.

A list like this really makes no sense. If someone want to make this information public, they can just enter it in their country introduction, where other can see it.

I have to point out, that you can enter anything there, so there is no guarantee that whatever you read there will be true.
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