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Old 09-03-2008, 07:40
Ati Ati is offline
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Originally Posted by Coalville View Post
If I have a country on the 5th level and one on 1/A and I want to level the one on 1/A will I be able to do this Freeze thing with the one from1/A since the one on 5 cant level and will my 1/A country lose its 336 rounds in the top 30% if I freeze it? I just don't want to lose the 2nd personality I would gain moving to 5.

if you hit "freeze" in the country in 1/A, it will freeze the country that is in the way. In this case, the 5th level country will be frozen. It will have no effect on the 1/A country, it will not lose any of the top30% rounds, or anything else. Once the 5th level country is frozen, you will be able to go down to the 5th level, and gain the second personality.

While on the 5th level, you will not be able to log in to your other country.

When you level to the 4th level, you will be able to unfreeze the country by simply logging in. This will start a 3-day vacation so that others will know you are coming back, and at the end of that, you can continue playing with that country. At this point, your 2-personality country will already be on the 4th level.
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