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costas 10-03-2007 15:16

game is vicious? Of course it is
First of all, I am a new player (only few days exp). Secondly, I wasn't attacked as the previous player complained by a superior player whose only purpose was to vanquish me (yet). But I see that the best players on the score table have fame more than 80,000 points minus (one has more than -200,000 p). What's going on? Can administration do something about this? It's extremely unfair for us, new players being attacked by the most valuable teams. I understand that the best teams have minus fame because there aren't valuable teams equal as theirs and I understand that they have the right to attack everyone they think that his defeat will benefit them. But it is also tempting attacking to easy targets when administration doesn't protect them. Why someone with 2 personalities, 30,000 value and 3 allies have the right to attack to a player who has 10,000 value and not the experience to make an alliance. Yes, sometimes the very new players can't find allies easily. I only mention the weakness of the game's rules. I'm sorry if are rules which are prevent this situation. Thanks for the answers...:)

Pax Hungaricum 10-03-2007 15:24

Your courty has (about) 8000 points. The biggest ower 200000. The negative fame is nothing. But... There are rounds. How many rounds is the distance between you and him? :) I can ask: How many days? :)

costas 10-03-2007 15:31


Originally Posted by Pax Hungaricum (Post 127799)
Your courty has (about) 8000 points. The biggest ower 200000. The negative fame is nothing. But... There are rounds. How many rounds is the distance between you and him? :) I can ask: How many days? :)

Negative fame counts :). You see to whom the other players attack. An honorable player and alliance is right to attack to better players not to weak and unexperienced players. Also I don't speak about an existing danger for me but in order to know what is the opinion of the other players.

Ati 10-03-2007 15:31

Fame is an interesting question... You get negative fame for attacking countries below you. You get positive fame for attacking countries above you.

If you are at the top, there are very few (if any) countries above you. This means that most actions will go downwards, giving the top countries negative fame.

The top countries will not attack you, it's not worth it for them. If they DO attack you, their army will be on route for days, always getting smaller and smaller in size. And because of the value difference, they will not gain anything from the attack even if they are successful.

So you do not have to worry about the top players.

You only have to worry about not getting close to them while you are unprepared.

Do not want extra value points by exploring, if your country is not at its maximum at its current size yet.

If you get attacked at first, that may even be good for you, your country will be smaller, away from the "brutal action", and you can get it ready for the big fights that will come when you start moving up.

Pax Hungaricum 10-03-2007 15:35

Yes, fame counts. But who cares? :D I have got a country with: 11.338.138 positive fame points. And so? :D That's good, to see. Nothing else. :)

costas 10-03-2007 15:43


Originally Posted by Ati (Post 127803)
So you do not have to worry about the top players.

You only have to worry about not getting close to them while you are unprepared.

Do not want extra value points by exploring, if your country is not at its maximum at its current size yet.

Thanks for the advise. It really helps me a lot. I did this (exploring a lot) until I understood that I was getting closer to big countries without been prepared :)

costas 10-03-2007 15:46


Originally Posted by Pax Hungaricum (Post 127804)
Yes, fame counts. But who cares? :D I have got a country with: 11.338.138 positive fame points. And so? :D That's good, to see. Nothing else. :)

so? You have honor and you don't exploit the weak players. It would be nice if there was a Hall Of Fame representing the positive fame and not the value:D

Andrew 10-03-2007 19:21


Originally Posted by costas (Post 127810)
so? You have honor and you don't exploit the weak players. It would be nice if there was a Hall Of Fame representing the positive fame and not the value:D

I think there is nothing honorable in stealing nothing from a country which is about a hundred times bigger than yours and has no thieves... It may look like cool, indeed, but has no sense ;)

costas 10-04-2007 15:53

Even thievery is brave action

Originally Posted by AndrewB (Post 127842)
I think there is nothing honorable in stealing nothing from a country which is about a hundred times bigger than yours and has no thieves... It may look like cool, indeed, but has no sense ;)

It's up to you to find him and prove that your country has the power to punish the thieves. Slaughter them if you can. But you must admit that it is bravery when a small country challenge a bigger one even with that way. It makes me furious too when they are stealing me but it is the only way sometimes to expand... :)

Andrew 10-04-2007 16:06


Originally Posted by costas (Post 127956)
It's up to you to find him and prove that your country has the power to punish the thieves. Slaughter them if you can. But you must admit that it is bravery when a small country challenge a bigger one even with that way. It makes me furious too when they are stealing me but it is the only way sometimes to expand... :)

There is no bravery in this at all. None of the two coutries can perform any succesful actions on the other, therefore there is no challenge.
Furthermore, a bigger country always has strategical handicap, because the military actions of the country which has smaller value are far more effective and destructive ;)

costas 10-04-2007 16:40

Assassins not Thieves

Originally Posted by AndrewB (Post 127959)
Furthermore, a bigger country always has strategical handicap, because the military actions of the country which has smaller value are far more effective and destructive ;)

1st I meant that because of your higher value you possibly have better army and maybe better allies. If you are angry with the thief race it is easier to destroy the enemy not only harm him. Thieves won't do anything (I believe, I am new in the game, sorry for any strategical mistakes) if a vast army attacks. Slaughter, slaughter, slaughter! If you think I have a mistake somewhere tell me so, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises... :)

2nd I agree with your angriness because thieves are wasted robbing the poor peasants. These good fellows are born assassins and tools for greater attacks. ;)

Andrew 10-04-2007 16:57


Originally Posted by costas (Post 127975)
1st I meant that because of your higher value you possibly have better army and maybe better allies. If you are angry with the thief race it is easier to destroy the enemy not only harm him. Thieves won't do anything (I believe, I am new in the game, sorry for any strategical mistakes) if a vast army attacks. Slaughter, slaughter, slaughter! If you think I have a mistake somewhere tell me so, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises... :)

2nd I agree with your angriness because thieves are wasted robbing the poor peasants. These good fellows are born assassins and tools for greater attacks. ;)

I'm not angry with thives, I only want to show you how you can get high fame without doing anything. And so, why fame is worthless.
And higher value doesn't mean, that you or your alliance is stronger, it only means, that you have more land :)

costas 10-04-2007 17:10


Originally Posted by AndrewB (Post 127982)
I'm not angry with thives, I only want to show you how you can get high fame without doing anything. And so, why fame is worthless.
And higher value doesn't mean, that you or your alliance is stronger, it only means, that you have more land :)

I agree, but you take a little fame with thievery. And I trust fame when someone has a lot of negative or positive fame (25,000 or -200,000p, these are the max numbers I have seen until now) I don't say that someone with 10 or 1,000 fame positive or negative fame is a brave or a coward player.

Also, If you have a lot of land and not strongly-prepared army it is your mistake (I did it until yesterday :D) :)

Andrew 10-04-2007 17:37


Originally Posted by costas (Post 127985)
I agree, but you take a little fame with thievery. And I trust fame when someone has a lot of negative or positive fame (25,000 or -200,000p, these are the max numbers I have seen until now) I don't say that someone with 10 or 1,000 fame positive or negative fame is a brave or a coward player.

Also, If you have a lot of land and not strongly-prepared army it is your mistake (I did it until yesterday :D) :)

The amount of fame you get is based on the difference of your and your target's value
therefore if you are at 9500 points and your target has 69500 points in value, then you really get a big amount of fame by each stealing... exactly the one sixtieth of the difference :) even if you can't steal anything ;)
So you can get fame without causing any trouble to other countries, this is why I still claim, that fame dosn't show whether someone is brave or coward

Pax Hungaricum 10-04-2007 18:16

25000 or -200000 fame ponts aren't so lot...

Here's my most loved country:

Föld: 599 hektár Katona: 0
Népesség: 7.346 Védő: 0
Foglalkoztatottság: 99% Támadó: 0
Pénz: 3.954.324.458 Íjász: 5.044
Étel: 0 bála Lovas: 0
Rúna: 5.407.880 rúna Elit: 0
Morál: 87 % Varázsló: 8.450
Katonai morál: 98 % Tolvaj: 8.320
Szövetség: magányos farkas Faj: Elf
Személyiség: Tudós Hírnév: 11.338.281

The fame points in hungarian is "Hírnév"! ;)

Pax Hungaricum 10-04-2007 18:17

(That is on the fifth level too, but a differenc group.)

costas 10-05-2007 00:59


Originally Posted by AndrewB (Post 127989)
The amount of fame you get is based on the difference of your and your target's value
therefore if you are at 9500 points and your target has 69500 points in value, then you really get a big amount of fame by each stealing... exactly the one sixtieth of the difference :) even if you can't steal anything ;)
So you can get fame without causing any trouble to other countries, this is why I still claim, that fame dosn't show whether someone is brave or coward

If someone with 70,000 value has less mages from someone with 10,000 value then the other players with the same value of the first one will have some fun. Personally, If I see someone do this and I have not 70,000 but only 50,000-60,000 points I would make his land burning in fires with fireballs and whatever I had. Easy target with a lot of benefits for me. The man is defenseless.
Also, If they were in the same level the distance would be 50+ rounds and whose mages have such a range to open portals? Not even Gandalf and Harry Potter can do this :D

costas 10-05-2007 01:04


Originally Posted by Pax Hungaricum (Post 128014)
25000 or -200000 fame ponts aren't so lot...

Here's my most loved country:

Faj: Elf
Személyiség: Tudós Hírnév: 11.338.281

The fame points in hungarian is "Hírnév"! ;)

Nice record man. I hope you fought better players and you didn't only thieved whatever was moving ;)

costas 10-05-2007 01:19


Originally Posted by costas (Post 128079)
If someone with 70,000 value has less mages from someone with 10,000 value then the other players with the same value of the first one will have some fun. Personally, If I see someone do this and I have not 70,000 but only 50,000-60,000 points I would make his land burning in fires with fireballs and whatever I had. Easy target with a lot of benefits for me. The man is defenseless.
Also, If they were in the same level the distance would be 50+ rounds and whose mages have such a range to open portals? Not even Gandalf and Harry Potter can do this :D

I said a lot without reading the help manual so I have this question. I thought that opening portals depends on the distance, the number of the mages you have, and the number of the mages your opponent has but I didn't find it written. If this isn't correct tell me. :( (Lol, Lol, Lol)

Pax Hungaricum 10-05-2007 07:17


Originally Posted by costas (Post 128080)
Nice record man. I hope you fought better players and you didn't only thieved whatever was moving ;)

I'm sorry. I thieved whatever was moving. That is a thiefland. :D

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