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Dzsedzs 08-06-2006 09:44

Speed of game
Hi All !

When I wanted to register for the game, I have noticed that I can only choose a normal game. Is there a possibility in the future that the game can be played in slow speed as in the Hungarian version? Or did I miss something?

Thx a lot in advice.

Ati 08-06-2006 10:25


Originally Posted by Dzsedzs
Hi All !

When I wanted to register for the game, I have noticed that I can only choose a normal game. Is there a possibility in the future that the game can be played in slow speed as in the Hungarian version? Or did I miss something?

Thx a lot in advice.

At this point we do not have different speeds in Queosia. As our playerbase grows, we might add this feature, but at this moment it would be pointless to open a group where 10, max 15 countries would play, even on the 5th level.

Dzsedzs 08-06-2006 15:30


Originally Posted by Ati
At this point we do not have different speeds in Queosia. As our playerbase grows, we might add this feature, but at this moment it would be pointless to open a group where 10, max 15 countries would be play, even on the 5th level.

Yeah, I see. You are right. Didn't know that. Is it possible to know, how many players are there (just around) in the english version in all groups?

Ati 08-06-2006 15:32


Originally Posted by Dzsedzs
Yeah, I see. You are right. Didn't know that. Is it possible to know, how many players are there (just around) in the english version in all groups?

We have just passed 10.000 registered countries.

Dzsedzs 08-06-2006 15:39


Originally Posted by Ati
We have just passed 10.000 registered countries.

Wow! That's quit a big sum. I congratulate for the team :D . Thx for the infos :)

rtinbr 09-09-2007 00:39

Man, how could anyone want the speed to slow down.
When it takes 20 hrs to build anything, it's allready way toooooooo slow.

Other games I play are about 6 - 8 - 12 hrs for buildings or troops.

At 20 hours it is very hard to correct any mistakes you made.

I will finish this round, but this is probably not the game for me or any of my friends.

The instructions and rules are way tooooooo complicated.

I still cant get an answer on this.

Houses = 50 Villagers, OK

Buildings Hire 15 workers.
But they also make 10 Villagers, is that correct,
So they basically only hire 5 of my Villagers from my houses.
So do I have to build like 8 buildings per House to make 100% Employment.

Also, do my troops come out of my Houses, or are they created when I pay for them and are not deducted from my Villagers.

I am having a hard time making my numbers work.

I also hate the idea that if a building loses 1 employee, all the sudden the building is worthless.

So if I have a store with 15 employees, and I lose 1 of them for some reason, the whole store is now worthless.

The whole number system is unbelievably hard to get hold of.

King Rat 11-09-2014 21:28

Ah OK I learn something today. So this game is using real time. 20 rounds = 20 hours = is that correct?

Yes I find it interesting that even though every game page has a help guide (= ? symbol) that it doesn't appear to explain the basics of the game itself.

So I say good job on creating a very interesting visual game but poor job on player usage understandings...

Ati 11-09-2014 21:49

Click on "Short Guide" on the login page. That page has a very basic outline, with links to all the relevant help files.

Ghosti 11-09-2014 22:08


Originally Posted by King Rat (Post 308211)
Ah OK I learn something today. So this game is using real time. 20 rounds = 20 hours = is that correct?

Yes, if you build them normal time is 20 rounds/hours, depending on race and if you have the money you can build them half the time, which could be different according to each race.


Yes I find it interesting that even though every game page has a help guide (= ? symbol) that it doesn't appear to explain the basics of the game itself.
What do you mean by basics? You build your land, train your army, magies and thieves, numbers depends on race and what you want to play, thief, or perhaps conquer land? In time you will grow, you can make allies with other players, and fight, explore or reach the top of the level with diplomatic means. Once you spend 336 rounds among the top on each level you may level up to the next. Level decreasing, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 which is the top level where the game is different.


So I say good job on creating a very interesting visual game but poor job on player usage understandings...
Ask away and read the help. For now just keep reading the help and train your army, mages, thieves, try the markets etc.. If you are alone, try to look for allies who can help you.

King Rat 11-10-2014 17:53

I won't mention the names but I have recently ( = years) played two other online text games very similar to this one but they both used turns (gained by the hour) instead of this real time strategy. So I think that is what is throwing me off in understanding.
So anyway I have been in game for several days and this is what I have done - or attempted to do;

1. Explore for more land. Worked at first but it appears that the game limits amount you can have...at certain levels?

2. Hired and/or trained thieves. They left because of limited space. In another different game I had to build barracks and two barrack parts = a full barrack that could hold 2,000 troops. Where is that info in this game?

3. Attempted to use magic spells upon myself. I saw that it took several attempts to succeed due to low troop morale..?

4. Built various buildings. It appears that all text game I have played over complicate the build page; lol..

5. Researched economy, etc. by writing scrolls.

6. Attempted to loot another kingdom but failed quite bad. (I am playing a giant.)

7. Been successfully attacked by another kingdom for 2 days in which he or she gained my land and/or buildings.

8. And reading so many help pages that my brain feels as though it will explode.

Ghosti 11-11-2014 05:21


Originally Posted by King Rat (Post 308237)
I won't mention the names but I have recently ( = years) played two other online text games very similar to this one but they both used turns (gained by the hour) instead of this real time strategy. So I think that is what is throwing me off in understanding.
So anyway I have been in game for several days and this is what I have done - or attempted to do;

1. Explore for more land. Worked at first but it appears that the game limits amount you can have...at certain levels?

No, every 20 rounds/hours Only a maximum of 10% of your country's current size can be under exploration. So if you have 200 acres then you can explore 20 acres. The more land you have the more you can explore if you have the required # of soldiers and money to do it.


2. Hired and/or trained thieves. They left because of limited space. In another different game I had to build barracks and two barrack parts = a full barrack that could hold 2,000 troops. Where is that info in this game?
To better understand check out the construction help, it will give you the base. You can raise that number by writing housing scrolls which can be found under science. Also check your race, some races can write more housing scrolls than others. You can always get the quick answer from your council page under Accommodation.


3. Attempted to use magic spells upon myself. I saw that it took several attempts to succeed due to low troop morale..?
Depends which spell you tried, some are harder then others. If you try to cast a spell on other players, you need to have more mages, higher mood and does not hurt to have your magic scrolls on max:)


4. Built various buildings. It appears that all text game I have played over complicate the build page; lol..
Not here. :) You see the name, how many you have and what you need in order to build 1. green to build, red to demolish. :)


5. Researched economy, etc. by writing scrolls.
Good, now research the rest:) The Science help will tell you which scroll is for what, how many scrolls = what % and on how many acres, how many wear away, because every day you lose some due to normal use and wear and tear. Caution scrolls can be stolen!


6. Attempted to loot another kingdom but failed quite bad.
Please never post any personal info from you or anyone else, never, clever players will use the info. If you failed you were not strong enough to attack your target.

You need information before an attack! There are ways to get the needed information. Wizardry/Crystal ball, if you successful you will see their main page. Underworld/survey building will give you the number of each building they have, so you can guess how many barracks and forts they have. Also does your target has allies or lone wolf? Allies can summon each other for help, lone wolfs get automatic help, but only if they picked lone wolf. Choosing to be a lone wolf is not automatic, you must do it yourself.


7. Been successfully attacked by another kingdom for 2 days in which he or she gained my land and/or buildings.
Yes, anyone can attack anyone else except their allies for land, to loot or to raze or slaughter their units.


8. And reading so many help pages that my brain feels as though it will explode.
Just keep reading, soon you will get the hang of it.:) I suggest learn your race's advantages and disadvantages.

King Rat 11-12-2014 17:40

Yes thanks for the help but this game is complex beyond belief - everything I do creates another complex puzzle to try to figure out. It will take an iron will to complete it. Why you guys have not written a more direct guide is beyond me. For example;

1. build this...
2. write scrolls on this..
3. hire or train these...
4. Next day etc.

And then eventually the new players would have to try their luck vs the more skilled ones. I have written such a guide for another game; others have done this as well. Do you guys really expect new ones to come in here and suffer for weeks and months on end so they can just enjoy a text game?

Too much detail I think is one of the problems of this game. 'Clay pits, wood yards, etc. is one example. I remember another game I could not stand that required you to constantly update your troops equipment; from bare feet to sandals to boots to belts to lol..

Ghosti 11-12-2014 21:45


Originally Posted by King Rat (Post 308334)
Yes thanks for the help but this game is complex beyond belief - everything I do creates another complex puzzle to try to figure out. It will take an iron will to complete it. Why you guys have not written a more direct guide is beyond me. For example;

I know how you feel, we were all new players at once, I promise once you start understanding, you will laugh when you look back:)


1. build this...
2. write scrolls on this..
3. hire or train these...
4. Next day etc.
This is an open end question. Each player decides what they want to build. That's why I said read your race's advantages and disadvantages, it will give you an idea what to build, train etc..


And then eventually the new players would have to try their luck vs the more skilled ones. I have written such a guide for another game; others have done this as well. Do you guys really expect new ones to come in here and suffer for weeks and months on end so they can just enjoy a text game?
Out on the open forum you will get answers to general questions. If you want a step by step what you should do is get allies, someone to mentor you, message me I'll help you. My country's number is 4778.


Too much detail I think is one of the problems of this game. 'Clay pits, wood yards, etc. is one example. I remember another game I could not stand that required you to constantly update your troops equipment; from bare feet to sandals to boots to belts to lol..
Needs are kept very simple. For example: horseman, need space in barracks, soldiers, weapon and gold.
Need to build barrack: gold, stone and wood (how much stone and wood is under it) to build 1
In order to write scrolls you need gold and libraries, each temple writes 100 scrolls in 20 rounds. How much gold you need is there on the science page.

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